Thursday, October 8, 2009

Zevel Domain

We arrived to New York, excited and scared. As we departed from the plane immigration approached us with some plastic little blue card and called it a Green Card. We took it and looked at the strange pictures of us. Zevel wobbling down the luggage pick up spoted us and came over to our sides.

After a long drive to somewhere we unloaded the cab and lined up our suitcases in front of a house in the middle of a big street, in a large road, and the house was huge. We all just stood there until Zevel began taking the cases up the stairs into the front door.

We cautiously walked into the front room and the nightmare had begun. The first thing we noticed, the spider webs everywhere hinted at the life we were about to embark. Dust and filth was everywhere including pennys. The floors were half torn and the couch was filthy, the walls were filthier and the windows were huge and filled with dirt.

I stood frozen at the front door wondering how we were ever going to sleep in this house of horrors. Mother was as spotless as anyone can be, and how is she ever going to make this haunted house into a home. I slowly stepped into the living room and examined the surroundings looking for something that would remedy my horror, but the more I looked the worse it looked. The kitchen was sticky and muddy and dusty, and looked like no one has been in there for years. I walked from room to room and in my hazy jetlag mindset I kept wondering how are we going to sleep? Could this be a joke? Upstairs in the bedrooms dirty and dusty old folding beds were standing with a bare mattress and shaky legs. The bathroom looked like a back alley dumpster, and it smelled like an old muddy basement. All I could think about was if I should begin to cry.
I want to go home!

Zevel's Destruction

He took an innocent woman and wed her for the sole purpose of breeding. An evil man he was by default of his birth. He pushed this woman and her 5 babies into lower than poverty level and deeper than hell on earth.

His goal was accomplished. This woman brought forth three daughters for him. His children were embraced and acceptd by her original five as one of their own, for they shared a womb and a dear mother they all loved.

The original five sacrificed their life and well being for their birth. One of them destroyed by Zevel Mentally, Physically and emotional until he died. He was the oldest of the sons she had. A feisty beautiful little child full of energy and love. A child brilliant in every direction he moved. Zevel found him to be too feisty and too bright for his darkness. Daily he used his head as a punching ball throwing him against the floor and the wall. Daily he kicked him and threw him down the stairs until this little boy lost his sense of direction and couldnt tell left from right.

The other four in what seemed eternal pain they now had to roam the world to heal. And heal they did for it took a while, but mostly they embraced the power of suffering into a better life they marched.

But his three refused to see that the pain he caused was real. One fine day, they would say he was still their father, sorry of your version, but we just dont want to hear it. the four that were left would silent remain. For they did not wish to revisit the pain. But the one, the big mouth of the four would silent not remain and the story she wished to tell. For another woman may jump into that trap, and perhaps with the story she may save some other little babe from the crap.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Letter to my sisters


They say that “out of every darkness, a treasure emerges”, and a lesson is learned,
Chanie--Rochie-- Devorie turned out to be our treasure, and the price we received for enduring the pain quietly and silently protecting you. You guys turned out great in spite of him, not because of him, and for that I thank Hashem that we were blessed

For the 5 of us who suffered from a very evil man we couldn’t possibly imagine that anything vaguely positive could possibly come to pass, yet it did.

But our suffering is beyond your comprehension, and we do understand. I didn’t understand, and I was actually shocked to learn that you were even considering naming a child after such an evil man, but Leah and Meir seem to think that you don’t really have a clue, and of course you weren’t born yet, so I will take it upon myself to make sure that you do know and that everyone knows, and when you make your decision, it will be an educated choice.

I begged mommy to protect us from him, but she didn’t, and life took advantage of us, Shmuel was responsible and I will not coward away from the task of making sure no one ever forgets what he did to us. Perhaps someone else may learn from the mistake and save the life of another helpless child.

If you want to have your child named after a man that has destroyed the life of, 5 innocent children and a poor widow, so be it, but I can assure you that for us me, leah, Malka, Uri, and Meir it would be a huge pinch in our heart every time the ugly name is mentioned because we have suffered so much in his hands. It will bring up the memory of all that we have suffered, and still we do suffer the residue of his deeds.

And Uri, well, he never had a chance in life and it was Shmuel that destroyed his life. For that alone, I don’t think he should have the zchus to have an innocent child named after him certainly none of the 5 who suffered in his hands would ever name a child, or grandchild after him, I don’t personally see how you would want to name your child the name of an evil man or anything related to his past.

But if there is to be a child running around with his name it is time the world knows the truth about what he did and who he really is.
Why do you think mommy made sure that none of you were named after anyone in his family, she promised me when Rochie was born that she would never name her children after anyone in his family and she kept that promise.

I feel compelled to tell my story to you and to a Rav you respect. I am sending you the first chapter of the story I wanted to tell for years.
I only wrote the first chapter, (even before I left New York) but I will describe every tiny ugly incident we had to endure and perhaps you will have a better idea of our suffering.

I wanted to take this evil man to Bais Din and to court so he could pay for what he did, but Mommy said it would hurt our treasure, she said it would not be good for a shidduch, and I guess she was right. but I will do my best to try and relate it as clearly and as honestly as I can.

If you give me the name of a Rav you know and trust, I can explain to him what happen and let’s get a psak din for now and for the future on this mater, I can’t speak for everyone but I guess the 5 of us who suffered will accept it
It's time we break our silence and tell the gory details of our pain.
The truth is, nobody knows because we have been silently suffering. It would be a great dishonor to all of us 5 to have any child named after this horrible creature.

I know you will never fully comprehend the depth of our pain and why it’s still with us,

I have been asked by Hashem to forgive him and I will, therefore I will not harbor hate any longer, but I will never forget and its time everyone knows all the gory details of our years in hell.

He was not much of a father to you either, but he was the sperm donor, yet, he didn’t abuse you as he did us. If Hitler was your father would you name your child Hitler? He was our personal Hitler, he is responsible for the death of our brother and the destruction of our life. He was an evil man, torturing us and mommy every single day, beating the crap out of Uri every day and basically displacing and destroying the life of 5 orphans and a widow. Our life was in his hands and he did destroy it. And out of those ashes we were left broken and alone with one dead brother, left to pick up the pieces for ourselves, and this is the man you want your child to have? Mommy prayed she wouldn’t have a boy, see how we turn out just like our parents?

Mommy didn’t protect us from him, I didn’t pursue justice from him and he never paid for what he did, but a low life evil man like that should not have anyone named after him or anyone in his family.
Having a child named after him would be bad luck and bad karma, but it is your choice, my job is just to make sure you make that choice fully aware of the facts.

I was Rivkey’s age when mommy brought him into our life and after 2 years in a living hell, I was displaced with no home, walking the streets of Brooklyn looking desperately for a place to call home, feeling all alone in the world. With a mother that refused to listen to me and a home that made me suicidal. What would you do to a person who would come into your life now and abuse your children, would you protect them from him or would you let them roam the streets looking for another home while you linger in his hell hole?

But, do understand this, Every time any one of us including Uri (alav hashalom) would hear this horrible name it would hurt us inside-- especially Uri who has lost his life because of him.

You will always be our treasure, but naming a child after the man who destroyed our life is too much to endure. Please let me call the rav asap so that the question can be settled for now and for the future babies that you Chanie and Devorie may have.

Thank you

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Zevell Was His Name

Zevell means garbage. I couldnt find a more appropriate name for him if I tried. For to us he was indeed the garbage pale of our life. Zevell he was the man my mother married after a few years of living as a widow with five babies all under the age of double digit.

Life was harsh as a single mom in her early thirties wanting and needing to support five children all so young. She was strong and energetic and very determined be the best mother in the world. She took on the job and carried the burden like a pro. The house was sparkled every day, cleaned and washed as soon as the children were off to school. Lunch was prepared every morning fresh from the grocery and plenty of goodies. She worked all day and than after the children were in bed she worked all night, and she did well for her children for she was able to save some for the future as well.

Out of nowhere they brought her a man. An American man they said, and she got excited. She was dreaming of a future bright for her kids and herself, in a land of freedom and abundance. She rushed into a marriage with a man she hardly knew. Zevel he was!!!